Collaborative Research: How to drive your exploration dollar further?

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > exploration, MEGWA, research > Collaborative Research: How to drive your exploration dollar further?

Collaborative Research: How to drive your exploration dollar further?

1 CPD HourCollaborative Research: How to drive your exploration dollar further? is the subject of the MEGWA meeting for April, to be presented by Greg Hall.

This presentation demonstrates how collaborative research can produce outcomes beyond the simple additive process and is based on the experience of Placer Dome Group’s exploration efforts in the period 1988 to 2006. The presentation will include actual research programs and their outcomes across numerous fields of geoscience and present many different approaches to collaboration.

Greg Hall was Chief Geologist in Placer Dome Group and responsible for exploration research in Australia throughout this period.

Meet for drinks at 5:30 pm, talk commences at 6:00 pm.