International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023



Both International Women’s Day (March 8) and International Men’s Day (Nov 19) are marked on my calendar as big days of celebration, reflection and calls to action. It’s fair to say the important topics both days highlight are not what an average “water-cooler conversation” touches on. Topics such as gender-based violence, unconscious bias, racism, privilege and equity, to name a few can be difficult, at times sensitive and perhaps even confusing to speak casually about. But it’s important to remember both of these days also celebrate and recognize women’s and men’s lives, achievements and contributions.

Today, on International Women’s Day, as a director of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), I’m proud the AIG is stepping into the challenge and committing to improving diversity and equity to create an inclusive community for all members and our guests. This commitment is in line with our key values and primary purpose of supporting all geoscientists. It is very clear men, women and people who identify beyond the binary have a vital role to play together, in building a culture of inclusivity and respect for all. Men don’t need blaming and women don’t need fixing – we need our collective status quo updated urgently, for everyone’s benefit. And that is a personal journey that we each must choose to step up and into. Will you join us?