Christmas Greetings from the team at Edumine

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Best Practice > Christmas Greetings from the team at Edumine


A growing number of AIG members are taking advantage of the excellent continued professional development opportunities available through AIG’s dedicated Edumine Campus.  

AIG EduMine Campus that will provide members with access to an extensive range of continued professional development (CPD) resources in the form of structured learning programs, able to be undertaken by members on-line, anywhere, at any time.

Members will also receive discounts on seminars streamed live from several locations around the world that provide participants with the opportunity to interact, in real time, with other participants and the course leader.

Members are offered the opportunity to subscribe to the campus through AIG’s membership management system each year, with the annual membership renewal notices.  It’s possible, however, to subscribe at any time via the AIG Membership portal.

AIG is committed to providing members with high quality, affordable professional development opportunities, of which the Edumine campus forms an important part.  If you have never looked at Edumine, the coming holiday season provides a great opportunity to become familiar with the depth and breadth of courses on offer.