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Industry NightA networking event focused on the transition from university to industry – an initiative of the University of Melbourne’s Earth Sciences Student Society.Are you getting towards the end of your geosciences degree and wondering what to do to start your career as a geoscientist? Organised by the Earth Science Student Society at the University of Melbourne, an Industry Night provides an opportunity to hear from several professional bodies and companies from across the geoscience disciplines about the early career geoscience roles, mentoring programs, graduate programs and entering industry as a graduate geoscientist. There will be a number of short talks and an opportunity to network with peers and industry representatives. Who’s there from the Industy?A range of companies and organisations representing mining, exploration, geophysics, engineering, hydrogeology, energy and government, including: Cost & Registration$5 to cover catering. Register via the University of Melbourne website: https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/events/6605/5810/ If you’re an AIG Student member or have an AIG student application email vic@aig.org.au to have your entry covered by AIG. More InformationDownload the flyer HERE! |