GOLD24 Core yard Kalgoorlie: Six Yilgarn Gold Deposits

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > GOLD24 Core yard Kalgoorlie: Six Yilgarn Gold Deposits

GOLD24 Core yard Kalgoorlie: Six Yilgarn Gold Deposits

GOLD24 Core yard Kalgoorlie: Six Yilgarn Gold Deposits

By Alicia Verbeeten
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at the Joe Lord Core Library

The Yilgarn Craton hosts a wide variety of world-class gold deposits and many smaller deposits in a diverse range of metamorphic,
stratigraphic and structural settings. This hands-on course will examine core including mineralised intersections from at least
six different deposits. Permanent display material, comprising typical lithological components of the full Kalgoorlie
stratigraphy, and highlighting the equivalent stratigraphic positions of several large gold deposits, will also be examined.
Core and the host deposit will be described by local experts and the day coordinated by Alica Verbeeten.

Note: As we will be in a core yard participants may be alcohol and drug tested and required to successfully complete a safety
induction. For the core yard please bring your own steel toe-cap boots, sunhat, long trousers, and long sleeve shirts.
(If traveling from overseas and this is difficult, please email us.)


Alicia Verbeeten

Alicia has recently been appointed to Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) as Science Manager of the Regional Kalgoorlie Office and of the East Yilgarn Geoscience Project. Prior to taking up this position, Alicia had over 20 years of experience working as a consultant petrologist and geochemist, specialising in geological processes and mineralisation, with a specific focus on the East Yilgarn goldfields.


AIG Members – $485
Non-members – $550
Students – $165

Go to the main event page to download the flyer, register or know more about the Gold24 Symposium:

  • Date and time

    29 Oct 2024
    8AM Onwards

  • Location

    The Joe Lord Core Library, Kalgoorlie