GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium – Qld

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > education, GSA, student symposium > GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium – Qld

GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium – Qld

8 CPD hoursThe Geological Society of Australia Earth Sciences Student Symposium – Queensland (GESSS-Q) 2018 will be hosted at The University of Queensland on the 29th of October 2018. This conference is designed to bring students and young researchers from around Queensland together to present new research, technology, and ideas related to earth science. The event is student organised and designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop their science communications skills to a broad audience, facilitate peer learning, peer feedback, and networking opportunities for students and researchers in Queensland.

This is a free event for all students (Ph.D, Masters, Honours and Undergraduate) and GSA members. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. An evening academic-industry networking event with refreshments will follow the presentations.

The symposium will run over the course of a day. There will be four sessions with talks around 10 minutes long, each with 3-5-minute discussion times. Posters will be displayed all day with the official poster session after the talks and before the networking event in the evening.

For more information please visit our website: 

Abstract submissions close 1 August. Please click here to submit your abstract.  To register, click here. (GSA website)