GSA Qld Division Technical Talk and Student Awards Evening

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > education, geoparks, geotourism, GSA > GSA Qld Division Technical Talk and Student Awards Evening

GSA Qld Division Technical Talk and Student Awards Evening

Speaker: Associate Professor Suzanne Miller
Director, Queensland Museum Network & School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide

Professor Miller will speak on some aspects of Geotourism. She is currently overseas and a synopsis is not yet available, but will hopefully be circulated prior to the event. However, the aim is that her address will appeal to both GSA members and the families and students present. Professor Miller has been involved in Geotourism and Geoparks in her native Scotland, where Geotourism is a growing component of the tourism industry.

The Geological Society of Australia, recognising the emerging importance of Geotourism, some years ago created a Geotourism Subcommittee within its Geological Heritage Standing Committee, and has recently established it as a Standing Committee in its own right. Professor Miller is a member of that committee.

Geotourism is emerging as a new phenomenon that specifically focuses on the geology and landscapes that shape the character of a region as a basis for providing visitor engagement, learning and enjoyment. Geotourists can comprise both independent travellers and group tourists, and they may visit natural areas (including mining areas) or urban areas—wherever there is a geological attraction. As Geotourism continues to develop both globally and within Australia, it has the potential to create opportunities for geoscientist employment, both within government land management agencies and within the tourism industry generally.

Prior to the talk, 2014 student medals will be presented to the top Earth Science students at Queensland universities and high achieving Year 12 students.

This event is free and RSVP is not required.  Free parking is available at the venue.