Multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultra fine soils

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > exploration, gold, targeting > Multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultra fine soils

Multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultra fine soils

Join Dr Ryan Noble as he presents on multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultra fine soils



To explore through cover many exploration companies use soil sampling and target element concentrations with little regard for the host mineral phase and size fraction, the size of the target element itself (e.g. gold) and how this relates to buried mineralisation at local and regional scales.

Some studies have shown major concentration increases of gold using fine soil fraction (<53?m) that could enhance exploration targeting. A robust experimental and theoretical assessment of micro and nanoparticulate soil fractions using surface soils, regolith interfaces at prospect and regional scales will improve current methods of separation and analysis, advance understanding of false positive and negative surface anomalies, generate new targets through cover, new methods and services for commercial laboratories and provide insight into metal mobility.


Dr Ryan Noble is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO whose current activities include Ultrafine fraction gold for exploration, gas geochemistry for exploration through cover, interface aig_cdphrs02_1sampling and indicator mineral separation, Yilgarn NO3 biogeochemical cycle, chemical and microbial monitoring for CCS, inorganic geochemistry leader for the set up for the National Geosequestration Laboratory. He is the Vice President of the Association of Applied Geochemists, a Board member of ESWA, Geoconferences WA and AAG.

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