Inside this issue…
Presidents Report; Institute News; Education Report; NSW Branch Report; Member Updates; Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey – Q4 (October to December) 2018 Results; Vale Tim Hopwood; Does carbon dioxide drive climate change?; AEGC 2019: Data to Discovery; South American Lithium Brines: How did the Lithium get there, and where did it come from?; Geology: quo vadis? Walking where angels fear to tread; A Blow-Up Pub Selling Ground-Shaking Beer – A Different Perspective on a Geotrail; The AIG Mentoring Program – building connections, careers, networks; Bipartisan support by the Coalition and Labor will help our resource sector dig deeper for Australia’s secure future; PACRIM 2019 – Registration now open; Events and more…
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4