AIG-ALS Technical Meeting Series : October 2022

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > AIG-ALS Technical Meeting Series : October 2022

AIG-ALS Technical Meeting Series : October 2022



Tuesday 11 October

5:15pm for 6 pm talk

Talk will start at 6.00 pm AEST – please note that Qld doesn’t do Daylight Savings!


Face-to-Face and Zoom Webinar – Transcontinental Hotel (+ Zoom)

Face-to-Face Venue
Transcontinental Hotel, 482 George St, Brisbane
(meet from 5.15 in the restaurant on the ground floor – talk to be held upstairs commencing at 6.00 pm)

Talk title: JORC CODE – Competent Person requirements: A baseline review in a global context

If you read Minerals Industry public reports and/or are an existing or potential Competent Person for Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, or Ore Reserves – you will be interested in hearing what JORC has been doing over the last few months in reviewing the role and responsibility of the “Competent Person” – as part of the current review and update of the JORC Code. This presentation by the review Lead Author (Andrew Waltho) will provide an overview of all relevant information relating to the current requirements for Competent Persons, as well as the history and standards of Competent Person accreditation in relevant countries. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion after the presentation.

For more information –


Andrew Waltho (Lead Author of the Competent Person baseline review and presenting on behalf of JORC)

Zoom meeting details

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