ioGAS FUNDAMENTALS – half day (AM only)

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > geochemistry, ioGAS, software, training > ioGAS FUNDAMENTALS – half day (AM only)

ioGAS FUNDAMENTALS – half day (AM only)

A practical introduction to the use of ioGAS including data validation and QC tools; univariate and multivariate plots; map based visualisation; plot enhancements; creating and using classification diagrams and the ‘new in version 6’ downhole plots.

This training course will get you up and running using ioGAS and is intended for new users or users who need a refresher.  It does not assume any prior knowledge of geochemical analysis software, but requires an understanding of general geochemical concepts and terminology; there is no theory component in this course.  Participants are required to bring their own laptop with the latest version of ioGAS installed.

COST:                $400.00
AIG Members:   $340.00

Further information is available at: