Exploration Geochemistry – Getting it right to extract maximum value for minimal cost Seminar

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Exploration Geochemistry – Getting it right to extract maximum value for minimal cost Seminar

Exploration Geochemistry: Getting it right to extract maximum value for minimal cost – Abstracts

The Role of Geochemistry in Mineral Systems
Carl Brauhart, Principal Consultant | CSA Global

The right stuff: geochemical orientation strategies to help focus on the signal through the noise
Dr Mark C Pirlo | Geochimica

Streamlining geochemical exploration to cut cost
Dr Joseph Tang | DNRM

Ultrafine soils: the technique, the advances, application and the future
Ryan Noble | CSIRO

Exploration Below Cover using Spinifex Chemistry
Prof. Ken Collerson | KDC Consulting (KDC2) & SEES, University of Queensland Brisbane Qld

The Fallacy of the Deep
Mark Arundell | IMEx Consulting

ColdBlockTM digestion (Not your average icecream)
Rod Carlson, Geology Manager, Principal Geologist | AMC Consultants