How AIG Collects and Manages Members’ Data

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Membership > How AIG Collects and Manages Members’ Data

AIG needs to collect data from members to deliver benefits of membership.  The integrity and security of members’ information, and preservation of member’s privacy is of paramount importance to our Institute.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov:

Membership Records

AIG’s membership database is arguably the Institute’s most valuable asset.

Applicants for membership are required to provide information needed to verify that they meet required education, professional experience and ethical conduct standards.

AIG’s membership database is managed using software and data management services provided by a specialist Sydney-based membership information system provider.  All data is stored at Australian data centres and replicated daily across multiple sites to ensure continuity of access to information.  Access to membership data is restricted to AIG officers and contractors directly involved in its management and analysis.  The membership database is used to send membership-specific information, including renewal notices, general meeting and other important notices by email to all members.  All current members are subscribed to this mailing list, which constitutes AIG’s principal means of distributing membership-specific information. Data security procedures followed by AIG’s service provider meet required international standards and are audited quarterly.

AIG does not provide member information to third parties at any time, under any circumstances. 

Membership Information Search

A searchable list of AIG members is available via the AIG website.  Required information (name, membership number, membership grade, state and RPGeo status) is extracted from the membership database, stored securely and accessible only to the membership query software on the website.  Only a limited number of records can be viewed in response to a single query. Members may opt out of being included in this list.

AIG recommends that members who act as Competent / Qualified Persons for public reports issued through securities exchanges include their details in this list due to verifiable membership of a recognised professional institute being a requirement or expectation of acting in this capacity.

Credit Card Information

No credit card information is received by AIG in any form at any time.  All credit card data required to process purchases is collected directly by AIG’s banking services provide (Commonwealth Bank of Australia) using secure web pages and forms provided by the bank’s electronic payments system.  All information transfer is encrypted.

e-mail Newsletters

Newsletters including items of interest to members and information regarding continued professional development opportunities are distributed by e-mail to both members and non-members using an e-mail distribution system that:

  • Is independent of AIG’s membership system;
  • Stored securely on multiple servers in the United States to ensure service continuity; and,
  • Distributes email in accordance with relevant Australian, U.S., Canadian and European laws.

Data held is limited to the email recipient’s name, email address and content preferences.  Access to data is available only to AIG members and contractors directly engaged in preparing and distributing member communications.

Newsletter e-mail recipients must opt-in to receive newsletters and may opt-out at any time.  AIG’s newsletter e-mail list is not made available to third parties. 

AIG website

The AIG website is hosted in Australia.  All AIG website traffic is transmitted to and from users of the website using encrypted links.  The security of AIG’s website is continuously monitored and managed using both server and site-specific security systems that are continuously updated to prevent malicious content being passed on to website users.

Information collected by AIG from members may be subject to prescribed data retention requirements.  Any information held in accordance with these requirements is destroyed by AIG at the end of the required retention period.


AIG cannot guarantee that cyber-attacks or malicious use of information will never occur.  AIG does, however, treat its obligations for security of information held by the Institute seriously.  AIG has established continuously monitored, regularly updated and audited systems to protect information held on behalf of members.