AIG News 140 is available now!

AIG News 140 is available now!

Now all AIG Members and Non Members can enjoy our FREE AIG Newsletter in digital format, including all previous editions. Please click here to see our archive of AIG News.

The latest edition of AIG News, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists member newsletter is now available in full colour and digital format and best of all FREE for all readers!

NEW! View the latest AIG News in Click here to view Flipbook!

Or download the PDF below:
PDF For web: AIG News 140: Download as Single Pages PDF
PDF For web: AIG News 140: Download as Double Page Spread PDF
PDF For print: AIG News 140: Download as Single Pages PDF
PDF For print: AIG News 140: Download as Double Page Spread PDF

Inside this latest issue…

From Your President; Institute News; Membership Updates & RPGeo Applications; Education Report; Book Review: Life as a graduate mine geologist; Australia in the Time of Coronavirus: How Mining will Fuel Economic Recovery; Brian Cuffley, geologist, bushman, historian; Vale Ken Phillips; Discoveries in the Tasmanides – Mines & Wines 2019 38 AIG Mentoring Programs Underway; Part 3: What the Industry Wants: Results from the 2018 AIG National Graduate Group Geoscience Survey – Essential skills and areas of improvement; AIG Notebook: Review of the spatial interpolation techniques used for estimating economic coal properties; The Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction Nickel Flotation Linked To Worst-Ever Environmental Disaster; JORC Code Professional Development Seminars; Short Course – Sydney: Epithermal Au-Ag and Porphyry Cu-Au Exploration; Photos in the Field: Greg Corbett; Jobless numbers climb in 1Q for Australia’s geoscientists but sector so far sidesteps more serious COVID-led impacts; The Relevance of RPGeo Accreditation to Hydrogeology; OK Tedi Book Launch; Events Calendar; AIG Council & AIG News and more.

AIG News is optimised to be read with Adobe Reader. Versions are available for printing (with Adobe Reader version 4.1.3 or later) or either reading on-line or downloading for reading off-line with your laptop or tablet (with Adobe Reader version 6.1.5 or later). Both versions have been tested and are compatible with Apple Preview and iBooks for Mac and iPad users.

If you experience any difficulty accessing and reading AIG News using the Adobe Reader versions listed here technical support is available.

We hope that you enjoy the latest AIG News and welcome your feedback.

16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2021 – Pre-Early Bird Registration Announcement


We invite you to the 16th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) which will take place 15-18 November 2021 in Rotorua, New Zealand.

Pre-Early Bird Registration Announcement

We are happy to offer a pre-early bird registration rate to our delegates. Register before December 2020 to receive the pre-early bird rate.

Please click here for additional information.

Register your Interest

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