AIG News 128 is available now!

AIG News 128 is available now!

The latest edition of AIG News, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists member newsletter is now available in full colour and digital format and best of all FREE for all readers!

Now all AIG Members and Non Members can enjoy our FREE AIG Newsletter in digital format, including all previous editions. Please click here to see our archive of AIG News.


Download the latest copy of AIG News 128 below:

PDF For web: AIG News 128: Download as Single Pages PDF

PDF For web: AIG News 128: Download as Double Page Spread PDF

PDF For print: AIG News 128: Download as Single Pages PDF

PDF For print: AIG News 128: Download as Double Page Spread PDF



Inside this latest issue…

aig_news_128From Your President; Institute News; Text Book Review: Exploring Earth & Environmental Science; NSW Branch Report; Education News; Membership Updates & Registered Professional Geoscientists Applications; Welcome Improvement in Australian Geoscientist Employment; Bentonite Tephrostratigraphy and Geochronology of Richly Fossiliferous Upper Cretaceous Continental Strata in the Western Interior Basin, North America; The geology and genesis of the Two-Thirty prospect Northparkes district, NSW; John Forrest Geotrail – Geotourist Route next to the Darling Fault, Swan View, WA; Reporting Industrial Mineral Exploration Results According to the JORC Code; Professional Issues Subcommittee Survey of Members; Gold17@Rotorua Conference; AIG Edumine Campus; Events Calendar; AIG Council & AIG News


AIG News is optimised to be read with Adobe Reader. Versions are available for printing (with Adobe Reader version 4.1.3 or later) or either reading on-line or downloading for reading off-line with your laptop or tablet (with Adobe Reader version 6.1.5 or later). Both versions have been tested and are compatible with Apple Preview and iBooks for Mac and iPad users.

If you experience any difficulty accessing and reading AIG News using the Adobe Reader versions listed here technical support is available.

We hope that you enjoy the latest AIG News and welcome your feedback.


Digging Deeper

Save the Date

This year Digging Deeper 2017 will be held on Wednesday 6 December 2017 at the Brisbane Convention and Entertainment Centre.

A preliminary program and registration information will be available at a future date.

2017 Member Advantage Satisfaction Survey


Member Advantage is again running its annual Satisfaction Survey. AIG Members have been invited to participate in the survey.

Member Advantage invites you to complete the Member Advantage 2017 Satisfaction Survey and go into the draw to win one of two AU$250 Wish Gift Cards.

This survey is conducted annually to collect important feedback about usage and your experiences with the Member Advantage program. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will provide us with valuable insights so we can continue to add additional value to your benefits program.

Once you have completed the survey, please enter your details to go in the draw to win one of two AU$250 Wish gift cards. The survey closes on Friday 23rd June 2017 at 17:00 (AEST).

Complete the survey at


Your response is private and confidential – responses will not be identified by individual and will be compiled together and analysed as a group. *View the competition terms & conditions.

The survey closes on Friday 23rd June 2017 at 17:00 (AEST).